- Name: Luzviminda Picasio
- Community: Sitio Rawang, Tanay, Rizal
Luzviminda is a senior who lives in the mountains of Tanay together with his husband and their grandchildren. Due to old age, they have been experiencing various illnesses already such as high blood and stroke. For years, they have been only using car batteries and kerosene for their lighting at home. She shared the challenges they have back then just for them to have light. The Picasio family is one of the beneficiaries of solar home systems under Tanglaw Batch 2 and now enjoys access to energy. She told us that they are very very happy and grateful because all their life, finally they now have light and its free! She also said that it was only now that their home was lighted brightly. It also helps their grandchildren in their studies because they could now answer their modules even at night. They are now a beacon of hope!
“Thank you so much and they gave us solar here in our place. Thank you” – Luzviminda Picasio
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