Tanglaw Every Juan poster

Tanglaw 4 Every Juan

Beneficiaries: Calawis, San Jose, Rizal
Status: On-going
Date: Jul-Dec 2021

Project Tanglaw is our electrification project that aims to light homes through solar that would help improve their quality of life and cope with the pandemic. Since 2017, we have lighted and become beacons of hope to 5 communities and 434 homes.

In 2019, we were able to light 69 homes with solar lanterns through Tanglaw Batch 1. Last 2020, to help families cope with the pandemic and help in the distance learning, we were able to light 170 homes with solar home systems through Tanglaw Batch 2. In 2021, we have lighted 273 with solar home systems in 3 more communities through Tanglaw Batch 3.

Tanglaw 4 Every Juan aims to light 400 more homes in Rizal with the goal that every Filipino has access to clean and safe energy.

SOLAR Hope aims to light 400 more homes with solar home systems to help them cope with the pandemic and in distance learning. Here’s the breakdown of communities to be included under Tanglaw Batch 4:

  • Brgy. San Jose, Antipolo, Rizal: 30 Households
  • Brgy. Laiban, Tanay, Rizal: 102 Households
  • Brgy. Sta. Ines, Tanay, Rizal: 181 Households
  • Brgy. San Rafael, Rodriguez, Rizal: 62 Households
  • PWD, Caloocan, NCR: 25 Households

It will adopt an adopt-a-family sponsorship under “Light One’s Home. Light One’s Life” program. Beneficiaries will get to choose what families they would want to support then regular updates specific to that family and how it impacted their lives will also be provided to the donor.

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